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Tag: gear-X

New Gearbox – Gear X / Kiwi Special Projects

by on Mar.19, 2013, under Garage, General

Many of you might have seen some new decals on our DC5 race car…Gear X and Special Projects.
So what happened? We hadn’t updated our blog for a while, but during that time our team member Reinier did an excellent job in rebuilding our gearbox. The stock box wasn’t too happy with the 300+ HP we thrown at it, so time for improvement here!

integra/rsx DC5 GearXintegra/rsx DC5 GearXintegra/rsx DC5 GearX

We got in contact with Jeff Owen from Kiwi Project / Special Projects / Gear X. After some discussion and advice with the goals for this car in mind we decided to get the following parts:

* Pro III CLose Ratio Gear Set
* 5.08 Final Drive
* Carbon Synchros
* New bearings/Seals.

Click ‘continue reading’ for detailed pictures of Reiniers work @ Showoff Imports.

(continue reading…)

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